You know the longest place that one can find oneself is in a place of not being comfortable in one's own skin.
This is a very serious matter and I hope mankind takes it to heart.
"It's like putting new wine into old wineskins and someday it's going to be ruined and burst the skin"
Is it worth it, the intrusion of the body, and the health risk?
Why change your appearance when your blueprint remains the same?
As it's just a deceiving and delusional game.
Millions of individuals each year go under the knife and others with cosmetic procedures to enhanced and repositioned parts of themselves.
Take no offense but doing a procedure in a way that's not accruable is a lie.
For accidental and deformity some procedures will pass.
But when individuals try to enhance themselves by modified wear, with elements that wouldn't last is a cause for concern, because it's not the bodies that they were made of to be worn.
Why does it? This repulsive act? Why changed the outside when the true essence of yourself remains the same, is it profitable on the outside when the inside needs the change?
So much mind manipulation is running wild on this earthly realm among societies of individuals called mankind.
With a diversion of changes just making themselves humanoid.
As humanoids are embedded with fakeness as to look human.
You know mankind's looking for the machinery of man but what consists of a humanoid is displayed daily as these individuals parade false body parts.

Parts that are embedded to the maximum, superficial wear that have much harm, disruption, and a time to tear.
Just making themselves time bombs to go off at any course of time.

It's not human and the way some are looking as their features are changing and what's left of themselves are slipping into oblivion.

Humanoids of pride with a body of manufacturing wear, with lies a device that helps mankind destroy themselves.
Yes! A manipulating weapon is placed in their minds and hands.
Individuals are just putting barriers on themselves instead of setting themselves free.
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