Wednesday, 9 March 2016

This Valentine's Day ?

This Valentine's Day what is it all about?
Buying chocolate wine flowers expensive gifts or taking someone out?
Valentine's Day is a day of man's false unedifying falsely motivational way of comprehending love- Universal Voice.
And a materialistic love was never made from the Creator Father God in the Highest of Heavens high above.
And Love should be always genuine and truthful and everyone should always have.
Mankind should not have to wait for this or any other made seasonal day to show Love to others in any way.
As it should be already seeded, to always display the works that are needed.
True Love care showing of way, and always embody all aspects of its ways.
To show to grow to always participate in its works, and never to be pushed be false seasonal ways that mankind birth.
As true Love is the essence of being that lays in heart and made to be felt showed shared showered and seen.
Yes! It's always about the genuineness of showing care and never about the buying and showing of materialistic expensive or other wears.

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